Presents 216489 variants identified through whole-exome sequencing of 63 Arab individuals afflicted with Type 1 diabetes.
Presents 169559 variants identified through whole-exome sequencing of 47 Arab individuals afflicted with MODY.
Presents 113053 high-quality variants identified through whole-exome sequencing of 114 Arab individuals diagnosed for Type 2 diabetes.
Presents 130953 high-quality variants identified through whole-exome sequencing of 168 Arab individuals NOT diagnosed for diabetes.
199502 high-quality variants identified through whole-exome sequencing of 474 individuals not tested for diabetes.
This dataset comprises of 118,793 variants identified through genome-wide genotyping of 1434 Arab individuals using the Illumina CardioMetaboChip, 674,131 variants identified through genome-wide genotyping of 1298 Arab individuals using the Illumina OmniExpress BeadChip, imputed OmniExpress dataset of 6.2 million markers and an imputed MetaboChip dataset of 1.52 million markers.